In Season 2 Episode 10 of The Late Show, the magical talents of Darren Schutz were on display during the Pot Luck toilet break segment, where amusing acts from the 1987 talent TV series are shown to much of our amusement – especially Bernard King’s harsh but fair remarks.
in this episode, the then 15 year old contestant performed two magic tricks: one with silks, and another one with a die disappearing visibly and invisibly. The fun part was the not-so-subtle ‘click’ noise when the die slid to the other side of the compartment.
The Champagne Comedy Podcast caught up with Darren to reflect on performing on Pot Luck, as well as magically appearing on The Late Show, and what he’s been up to nearly 30 years later.
He’s come a long way since, and you can book Darren for business or private functions. Visit Darren Schutz Magic for more.